Game of Thrones Predictions For the Finale and Beyond

Winter is here and theories are coming

Sahar Khan
Yonge Magazine


  • **Spoilers Ahead**
  • **Do not continue if you are not up to date on G.O.T**
  • **These should all be taken as theories and not facts…yet**

After screaming, crying, laughing, cheering, and having all our hearts melt in last weeks episode, let’s dive into some serious theories that might actually come true in the next episode or season.


But first, take a look at the season finale preview if you haven’t already.


Theory #1 : Daenerys and Jon will have a child together

Did anyone else notice the enormous amount of child bearing and heir references in season 7’s penultimate episode, “Beyond The Wall”? First Tyrion asking Daenerys who will be her heir, then her telling Jon that the dragons are the only children she’ll ever have, and finally Sir Jorah giving the sword back to Jon saying “May it serve you well…and your children after you.” Hmmmm coincidence? I think not.

So what? How does this reveal they will have a child? Let me explain. You see, “only death may pay for life…” is what Mirri Maz Duur, the witch/priestess from season 1, told Daenerys when she wanted to revive her late husband Khal Drogo, resulting in the death of their prenatal child. And what death shocked the whole world in “Beyond The Wall”? None other than Daenerys’ dragon child, Viserion. The death of Viserion will pay for the life of Daenerys and Jon’s child. So even though the death of Viserion was absolutely heartbreaking and terrifying, I can’t help but feel excited for this theory to come true.


Theory #2: Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen Will Not Survive the War of Winter

Death is always a possibility in Game of Thrones, even for Daenerys. In season 2, episode 10, we see Daenerys trying to get her dragons back in The House of The Undying, where she has a vision. She is walking towards the Iron Throne which is covered in snow, then towards the Wall, where the gate opens, leading her in a snow-covered path to her late husband, Khal Drogo, and their stillborn child. This could be the foreshadowing to the theory that Daenerys will die during the Long Night, and will not survive the War of Winter. Her walking out from the gates of the Wall indicates she will be killed by the dead beyond the Wall. She will not win the throne, and will be reunited with her family.

If you recall, Mirri Maz Duur told her:

“When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves. When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child. Then he will return, and not before.”

  • When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east — Quentyn Martell, the sun’s son who came from Westeros and died in Essos.
  • When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves — Seas are dry and turned into ice from the winter, and the snow from the mountains blow in the wind like leaves.
  • When your womb quickens again, and you bear a living child — Refer to theory #1, her and Jon having a child.
  • Then he will return, and not before — Daenerys will die, during the winter war, giving birth to her child, like how her mother died giving birth to her during Robert’s Rebellion. Only then will she be reunited with Khal Drogo.

Theory #3: The Song of Ice and Fire — Possible outcomes of Melisandre’s prophecy

Remember that faint description of the prophecy Melisandre told Daenerys upon meeting her? It went something like, “The long night is coming. Only the prince who was promised can bring the dawn.” Which Missandei went on to correct, saying, “That noun has no gender in High Valyrian, so the proper translation for that prophecy would be the prince or princess who was promised may bring the dawn.” You can refresh your memory with the full conversation in the video below:


After brushing up and researching a more in depth explanation of the prophecy, I found out that this hero will be the one who brings ice and fire, and saves the world from the Long Night. He or she would be reborn amid smoke and salt, heralded by a bleeding star, wake dragons out of stone, and have a burning sword drawn from the fire called Lightbringer. According to one woods witch in the books, this chosen one will come from a particular Targaryen bloodline — a bloodline the Baratheons shared via a grandparent.

Let’s do a tally.

  • Reborn amid smoke and salt: Jon, (brought back to life). Daenarys (Rising from the smoke of Khal Drogo’s funeral with newborn dragons).
  • Heralded by a bleeding star: unsure
  • Wake dragons out of stone: Daenerys
  • Have a burning sword drawn from fire: unsure, but more likely to be Jon.
  • Have Targaryen bloodline, which Baratheons shared: Jon and Daenerys.

Seems to me like they both have equal running to be the saviour. Maybe, just maybe, this prince or princess will be Jon and Daenerys’ future child, seeing how the prophecy says prince, or princess and not King or Queen, which Jon and Dany seem to love reminding people of. But seeing how there’s only one season left, and the dead are upon us, I’m not sure if we have enough time for this to come true.

Although Daenerys is the fire, and Jon is the ice, making it a duet and agreeing with Melisandre’s theory that they both have a role to play, we must remember that Jon is half Stark, half Targaryen, making him Ice and Fire all on his own. Which makes the possibility that the prophecy can come true with or without Daenerys. But Jon never woke dragons out of stone you say? This brings me to my next theory.


Theory #4: Jon Snow Will Awaken a Dragon

Maybe I’m reaching here, but it is Game of Thrones, so anything can happen.

Remember when Qyburn took Cersei down to the underground dungeon and showed her the weapon that can be used to kill dragons? Do you remember what else was down there? Yup, dragons.


OK, I know it’s the skeleton of the dragon and not stone, but close enough right? And from the preview, we know that Jon is in fact in King’s Landing where the dragon lies. C’mon, Jon needs an epic way of proving he’s Targaryen, and what better way than to waken a dragon? Make Jon a dragon-daddy, who’s with me?


Theory #5: Tyrion is Targaryen

This is a pretty common theory that seems to be surfing around, but if you haven’t heard of it, let me explain.

See, Aerys, Dany’s father, a.k.a the mad king, was said to be infatuated with the late Joanna, Tywin Lannister’s wife. It is said, that whether forcefully or not, he would get his way with her in bed. We all know that Tywin hates Tyrion, and we don’t really know why. Yes, Tyrion believes it’s because he’s a dwarf, and that he killed his mother during labour, but you would think if Tyrion is the last memory he has of his beloved wife Joanna, and the only heir to the Lannister throne, he would be kinder to him. But up until his death, he was only cruel to Tyrion. The following was said to Tyrion in The Storm of Swords:

Men’s laws give you the right to bear my name and display my colours, since I cannot prove that you are not mine. To teach my humility, the gods have condemned me to watch you waddle about wearing that proud lion that was my father’s sigil and his father’s before him. But neither gods nor men shall compel me to turn Casterly Rock into your whorehouse.

Emphasis on “cannot prove that you are not mine,” and “wearing that proud lion that was my father’s sigil and his father’s before him.”

That dialogue alone brings up suspicions that there behind the theory of Tyrion not being a true Lannister. Tywin also kept insisting on deriving a plan to get rid of Tyrion somehow, which we saw when Tyrion was on trial for murdering Joffrey. He gave him the option of either dying, or being sent to the Wall. Both of which giving Tyrion no claim to the throne. Because, if Tyrion ever found out he was half Targaryen, he could claim the Iron Throne, and Casterly Rock.

We also see a common occurrence between Tyrion and Dany. Both of their mothers died giving birth to them, and they are both the last children born from their mothers. They also seemed to have grown fond of each other quickly, to the point of Dany making him her Hand of the Queen. Not to mention the fact that Tyrion approached the Dragons, without getting his head blown off, similar to Jon, whom we all know is Targaryen. If this theory is true, that would make Tyrion and Dany half-siblings.


Theory #6: The One to Kill Cersei

As we all patiently wait for the death of Cersei Lannister, here’s an interesting theory about who will be the one to do the job.

Who remembers the prophecy that was told to Cersei about what her future holds? If not, here’s a reminder:


Now that you’ve refreshed your memory, it is clear by now who the witch is referring to in all three questions. But what the show did not choose to include, maybe for spoiler or early reveal purposes, is the fourth question. How will Cersei Lannister die. Some may already know this, but if not, here is what George R. R. Martin wrote:

“When your tears have drowned you,” Maggy told Cersei — referring to her grief for her three children — “the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you.”

Valonqar is defined as “younger brother.” This could be the reason why Cersei was always so cruel to Tyrion, because she believed he would be the one to kill her. But what Cersei may have forgotten, (or not… can’t put anything past Cersei), is that Jaime is also her younger twin. Cersei has kept Jaime on her side using many techniques (yuck), but is also sneakingly claiming to be pregnant with their fourth child, which we all know is not true, referencing back to the prophecy.

Now, the big question is, will it actually be Jaime to kill Cersei, or will it be Arya? Cersei is at the top of her Kill List, and we know Arya has the ability to put on Jaime’s face. Not going to lie, picturing Arya tricking Cersei into a room and making her believe she’s Jaime, just to kill her, would be epic. Just like how Joffrey/Cersei tricked Ned Stark (R.I.P ❤) into his own beheading. Sweet justice.


I know that was a lot to take in, but there really are endless possibilities. With only one more season left, who knows what could happen. We all know by now that anyone could die at any moment. All Men Must Die right? So sit back, relax, and keep these theories in mind.

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