Recipe For Happiness

1 tbsp reality, 2 tsp determination, 1 cup of good spirit

Zeinab Saidoun
Yonge Magazine


Zeinab Saidoun

The recipe for happiness
doesn’t actually exist
and whomever tells you it does
is a damn liar .

See happiness can be whatever you make it to be
it can be as simple as catching up with a friend over cheap snacks
or overcoming the voice in your head
telling you to stay in bed.

Don’t you dare tell ME what to do
you hear yourself tell the voice
as you get up, put your best face on
and conquer.

It’s is the smell of a loved one as they walk by
or the sweet scent of Sunday mornings
when the alarm clock finally stops shouting at you.

It’s the town you were raised in
even with its baggage, bullshit and bombs
laughter is the only sound that echoes
through the old streets.

Those same old streets
where you took your first steps
found your first love
and felt your heart break.

My heart breaks for you
if you’ve lived your life simply through a bucket list
telling yourself.

I’ll be happy when
and continue to follow up with detailed criteria
of what it will take to make you happy.

Even worse?
Telling yourself your happiness
depends on the existence of another human in your life.

But what you don’t realize is
you need to be happy with yourself
in order to consider being slightly happy
with someone else.

See happiness is a choice
you could be traveling the world
simply to portray you’re happy.

The likes on your pictures
your huge smile
and your ‘lavish’ life
don’t fool no one but you, honey.

When did your 24-hour Snapchats
become more important
than real memories?

Don’t be eating food in every continent
but keep forgetting to taste it .

Don’t be in the presence of art
created millions of years ago
but fail to see it.

Trust me
I know
there are so many damn things to be unhappy about
the world is a messed up place
I realize that.

There are children dying every time
you dare to go in front of a screen
the money in your bank account cant seem
to add up even though you work




But don’t be so busy behind your screen
that you forget to live
the privileged life you have been given.

Because at the end of it all
when you’re laid to rest
you won’t have the choice to feel
so do it now
while you still can.

