Why Black Women Are So Angry

A short piece written after being called Harambe by a fellow university student.

Imani Walker
Yonge Magazine


Solange/A Seat at the Table

I write this calm and collected. I mean, I have to be — right?
If I show one ounce of anger I become the typical, negative stereotype of the ghetto black girl.
The hand clapping, gum chewing, hip popping black girl.

The one who screams so loud in the streets that people turn to give a disapproving look.
Yet the one that everyone else works so hard to appropriate.

The secret as to why we’re so fucking angry?
We are constantly treated as less.
We are:
fetishized, repulsive and trouble.

As your fetish,
you see our big lips and thick thighs as sexy.
But you want us for the night and nothing more.
You desire all of our natural features but only love them when accompanied by a lighter skin tone.

We are repulsive,
you see us as these foreign creatures.
I have been equated to a gorilla.
I have been looked at like I am the scum of this earth.
I have been treated by strangers like I’ve wronged them because my skin is black.

You see us as trouble.
We are only going to be that baby mama that gives you trouble.
Or that crazy girlfriend who wants to fight all day, anyway, publicly.
We’ll drive you insane and we’ll always be upset.
Well yes, my dear…we are fucking angry.

We are not your scapegoats.
I did not fight for my life to be torn down.
I do not work hard to be undermined.
I am not speaking up to be belittled.

Your privilege has carried you to the top of the world and as you look down,
you couldn’t possibly see us where you sit.

I am not less.
I am a fucking masterpiece.
The beauty of my skin contains the power of our sun.
I speak loudly like the queen I was born to be.
I am not here to be picked apart.
Don’t. you. dare. think. you. are. above. me.

Yes my dear, I am so fucking angry.
But I’m sure you’ll get over it.

